Nashville is one of our favorite locations to shoot. We’ve had the opportunity to shoot every type of project in Nashville locally - commercial photography, music photography, fashion photography, and celebrity photography.

We blended all of these together this past month and were thrilled to be CMT’s Nashville photographer for their season 6 promos. The show is about artists and singer/songwriters trying to make their way in Music City.

As an experienced Nashville advertising photographer, Mark was tasked with building out an entire bar set for the shoot from a blank piece of paper.   Nothing was left to chance.  From the stain colors, to the wainscoting detail, lighting fixtures, lighting direction needed to recreate the mood.   On top of all that, we needed several different backdrops for the set and ended up building a speakeasy with a modern flair with a full bar and living room to match.


We had a massive crew including set designers and prop stylists to build out our set in just three days. All of the long days and nights paid off, because the set turned out to be one of the most detailed and beautiful sets we’ve done all year. 


Any Nashville entertainment photographer would be awed at the intricacies of the set. It included full walls and real hardwood floors entirely built out in a soundstage in Nashville. Our prop stylist sourced furniture and décor from all over Nashville and the U.S. – lavish jewel tone couches and chairs, hand woven rugs and an entire made-from-scratch bar by our set designer that looks like it was pulled straight out of a speakeasy from the 1920’s, but with a twist.  The space was so inviting that we found people tended to “hang” in the set as if they were in an actual bar.


As a Nashville celebrity photographer, Mark brings energy on set that is contagious to all the stars he works with.  He has a true talent for bringing out celebrities’ and models’ personalities on set that is unparalleled. You can see from some of the shots and behind-the-scene photos of how much fun everyone was having on set.

We shot each celebrity individually and then all together in a group shot. Because Mark is a professional Nashville music and celebrity photographer, he understands the importance of managing a celebrity’s time well on set. They have tight schedules and have to divide their time between behind the scenes filming, promo filming and interviews.

We can’t wait for you to see the final images! Tune into CMT on January 4 to catch the sixth season of Nashville!